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About me

Linden Tree Photography_040121 WSA Inman

My journey got a new meaning when I began integrating the different parts of myself, which used to be locked up in separate rooms and only called out for appropriate occasions. 


Multi-culturalism was part of my upbringing and continued to be part of my adult life. My professional choices were (and still are) also not so traditional, which continued to add the flavor of different. 


Anthroposophy and Waldorf Education expanded my understanding of the Human Being and the World, giving answers that I never found while pursuing my degree in Psychology.


I have always felt a foreigner no matter where I was, until I realized I could invite those different parts of my self to a round table and hold a kind of International Conference. It was then when I felt more like a citizen of the Earth.  


As I learn to listen to my inner life, I find out that I can take charge and redirect my flow of action - very similar to my work as an Early Childhood Educator. And I accept some days are better than others. 


I believe in the human capacity for self-reflection and change. I appreciate the wisdom offered by Nature. I enjoy weaving colors while shedding Light into dark corners of the soul. And I really love having conversations about the mysteries of life and death. We can talk in English, Português o Español 


My approach 

You bring the topic and

we go from there.


We can meet in person

or use a device to talk.


You may have a specific burning question that one conversation may be enough.


You may want some sort of frequency, as you move through a process.


You decide the rhythm

as we go.


During the Summer months and Winter Holidays, we may have to change the rhythm and I will do my best to schedule as you need.


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Your investment

If you're establishing a frequency

(once a week, for example)

the rate goes as follow:


30-minute: $30

45-minute: $45

60-minute: $60

and so on


For a one time only

 the range is from $60-100/hour.


You pay after we talk, so you can decide how much you would like to give for our time together.



© 2021 by Jolie Hanna Luba. Proudly created with

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